The Demo-plant project 2022/2023

New robust desalination and water purification without filters, membranes and chemicals.
The project will identify, plan and implement a suitable pilot project in Skåne to test and verify the innovative technology developed by IngesonWater. The technology solution has great potential to become an important robust component that can produce water from seawater in a very energy-efficient way and from self-supplied renewable energy (without connection to the electricity grid) and thereby secure Sweden's access to drinking water in times of crisis and in places outside the regular water supply network. The solution could thus also be used for support in crises outside of Sweden.This project has been co-financed by the Maritime and Water Authority through grant 1:11 Measures for the marine and water environment through the County Administrative Board Skåne.
Time frame project: 1/5/2022 - 30/9/2023
With co-finance from Länsstyrelsen 

Tillväxtverket 2022/2023 

During this project, financed by Tillväxtverket, our latest prototype, no 4, Millennium Desalination Device will be verified together with RISE in order to meet the requirements placed on drinking water based on the Swedish Food Agency's new guidelines that enter into force in 2023. The work to verify the process of  into drinking water requires extensive tests on both raw water and processed water based on the different water sources that the water purifier can handle. The results of these tests will be reported on the website.

scaling off-grid solutions  2020-2022

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and SIE Sthlm Environment Institute.
Co-founded by Swedish Vinnova and UDI step 3.
To develope tools that improve the opportunites for innovators and aid organizations to bring more circular, inclusive and sustainable innovations to those in need.


  • Will improve the conditions for innovators (sellers) to be able to meet relief organizations (buyers) demands.
  • Enables innovations to reach vulnerable populations in humanitarian crises.
  • Will test innovative circular solutions in real environments, upscaled and exported.


Solidarite International
AguaTuya Bolivia
Sweden RedCross
ELRHA Human Innovation Fund

Water Research Commision of SA
Global Wash Cluster
Business Sweden
Foreign Ministry of Sweden

Carex of Sweden
Pure Bio Synergy
Advanced Aerobic Technology of Sweden
Millennium Technology of Sweden - IngesonWater
Mruna SARL Libanon
Urban Tech Sweden
Backer AB

WIN Water
Umeå University Business School
Malmö University


During 2017-2018, IngesonWater has run the project Water-in-a-box with grants from the state-owned innovation agency Vinnova.
This is step 2 in the call "Challenge-driven innovation". The project has been going on for two years and is now ending in spring 2019. Partners have been companies, institutes, academies, municipalities and state. A broad commitment from all parts of society.

The goal of the project Water-in-a-Box step 2 is to test and verify technical solutions for a mobile, flexible and solar-powered production concept that can clean water from bacteria and salt. It has also been included in the project to demonstrate / test a prototype of a Water-in-a-Box (Product Demonstration - TRL 5) in a real environment at Ekeby wetland adjacent to a water treatment plant in Eskilstuna as a step towards utilizing the concept.

The container will be delivered by air, train, boat or suitable means of transport to be installed on site within 8 hours.

There is a broad interest in the concept, among others from the UN, which sees opportunities to offer this to crisis and disaster relief around the world via their central warehouse.

During these years, a major focus has been on building up a test bed on Ekeby Våtmark in Eskilstuna, which we succeeded with through help from eg. Mälardalen University Västerås and Eskilstuna/Strängnäs Energi & Miljö. On the site, the concept has tested to clean the bacterial water found in connection with the test bed with approved results.

Below picture gallery from the test bed


IngesonWater with its innovation Water-in-a-box has also participated in the project Sustainnovaid.

Sustainnovaid is a result of a project supported by VINNOVA within the framework of the call for "Challenge-driven Innovation", step 2. The project was led by RISE together with a consortium consisting of 16 parties with representatives from aid organizations and other non-governmental organizations, companies, public institutions and authorities, as well as research and innovation institutions.

The project was completed in November 2018 and is looking for new funding for 2019. Until new funding is secured, the website  will not be able to be maintained as much.

The project is intended to develop over time into a permanent network of members who collaborate within a collaboration platform where the website forms the basis for communication with members and other stakeholders.

Read more about the project below.